Hi! We are here today to present to you our fourth entry of our blog! After Halloween's day, we want to talk about another fundamental day in British Holidays: Saint George's Day. We hope that you will enjoy acquiring knowledge about it because it is a highly important day in England and, like you will see, in some parts of our own country. So, let's start!
Saint George's Day commemorates the death of the soldier George, it is celebrated on 23th April. He was killed in Nicomedia due to his Christian faith, this is the reason why he is venerated as a martyr. According to the legend, Saint George was an English knight who rescued a maiden from being devoured by an enormous dragon. His bravery served as an example for thousands of English warriors who, for centuries, and shouting "For St. George!", battled under the flag bearing the red cross, known as the Cross of Saint George. However, some historians believe that Saint George who achieved one of the highest military positions in the Roman army under the rule of the pagan Emperor Diocletian, led one of the most violent persecutions of Christians in the history of the Empire. One day, disagreeing with the brutality with which the emperor treated Christians, George decided to disobey his orders and formed a small rebellion against him. For these acts, George was captured, dragged through the streets of Nicomedia, tortured, and beheaded. This rebellion against the emperor in defense of the Christians secured his place in the Christian canon.
It's believed that the English started invoking Saint George during the time of the Crusades, seeking his protection and aid to conquer the Holy Land and liberate those lands from the 'evil dragon'.
Among the activities that are carried out on this day, we have: gastronomic fairs, parades, events for the youngest, and all sorts of cultural gatherings. Furthermore, it's customary that the flag is hoisted in different places across the city, including at 10 Downing Street, as well as in numerous pubs, bars, shops, or restaurants. Another traditional custom for Saint George's Day is wearing a red rose on the lapel, and it is common to see Londoners sporting the national flower on this day. In London, one of the most active spots on this day is usually Trafalgar Square, where numerous stalls resembling an ancient medieval village are set up. Performances by musical groups, theatrical representations, and gastronomic tastings enliven this festival that attracts hundreds of Londoners and tourists. Other common activities for Saint George's Day include organizing tournaments of quintessentially English sports such as football, rugby, or cricket, all of which have a large number of followers among Londoners
In Spain, specifically, in Catalonia, Saint George's Day (called Sant Jordi Day there) is a really important day too. This day is a special occasion to reclaim the Catalan culture and language.The central elements of the celebration are culture and love, represented with the book and the rose. Because, on this day, it is common for couples to give each other a book and a rose. In Barcelona the main meeting point is located on La Rambla, which is filled to the brim with stalls of booksellers and florists.
Although the festival has been celebrated with more or less intensity since the 16th century, it was at the end of the 19th century, with the political and cultural movement of the Renaixença, when Sant Jordi was established as the most celebrated patriotic and cultural festival in Catalonia.
Photo: Casa Battló
It has been really interesting for us to find these differences between both ways of celebrating this festival, although if this day shares something in the way it is celebrated, it is the dissemination of local culture. We believe that the origin of this day is really curious and its evolution, especially in Catalonia, is really amazing.
We hope you enjoyed learning about this day, we look forward to seeing you with more in our next entry!
Wikipedia contributors. (2023, 4 noviembre). Saint George’s Day. Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saint_George%27s_Day
English Heritage. (s. f.). 9 things you didn’t know about St George. https://www.english-heritage.org.uk/visit/whats-on/st-georges-day/9-things-you-didnt-know-about-st-george/#:~:text=A%20feast%20day%20of%20St,days%20in%20the%20English%20calendar.
eMascaró. (s. f.). Como se celebra, o no, Saint George’s Day en Inglaterra. English Summer.https://www.englishsummer.com/noticias/como-se-celebra-o-no-saint-georges-day-en-inglaterra/